Feb 282014

One of the more common questions asked by those new to the Furry community concerns the way in which we go about discovering, inventing, or otherwise giving form and life to our Fursona. Before I elaborate upon my personal thoughts on that matter, it is worth mentioning that you are by no means limited to one Fursona, and many Furs have multiple Fursonas to express different aspects of themselves or different roles or desires they want to explore. That’s true for me, personally, in that I have multiple Fursonas, although one particular Fursona seems to be more dominant in me. I should also add that you are by no means limited to the actual creatures of our planet. Many Furries are hybrids, even those that are not (as yet, I suppose) genetically feasible. The are many mythical Furries like unicorns, centaurs, griffins, … Fur itself, also, is not essential. There are Scalies, Avians, anthropomorphic fish, insects, … the list grows ever longer. In this sense, the word “Furry” itself is more of an umbrella term for the community as a whole.

Hare in the Forest

Hare in the Forest by Hans Hoffmann

In any case, I consider this process “finding” your Fursona, because it is seems to me to be a journey of discovery and awakening, even when it feels like an entirely original, conscious, creative process. Along the way, we inevitably draw from our intuitive or inspired ideas and feelings, and our previous experiences. How conscious we are of this process of discovery has much to do with the nature of the relationship we intend to cultivate with our Fursona. We might consider our Fursona to be a mask we wear to set aside our “real” life for a while, or the rules, responsibilities, and inhibitions that go with it. We might have a Fursona that emphasizes the opposite of everything we suppose ourselves to be… outgoing rather than shy, adventurous instead of cautious, courageousness in place of meekness. We might come to see our Fursona as a close friend, a companion or guide, or even an ideal mate (there is no reason your Fursona has to have the same gender identity as you). Perhaps we relate to our Fursona as an improved, more whole, or more idealized expression of ourselves. Ultimately, a Fursona is, in some way, all of these things, just as we are all of these things.

Understanding what sort of species or combination of species you will be working with is a good place to start, and it is no small matter. If you do not already have strong feelings along a certain line, then I would suggest you grab a notebook, and start by recording your answers to some if not all of the following sets of questions. (Even if you already have a Fursona, it can be a worthwhile exercise.)

  • Are there any particular animals that stand out in your memory as being special to you at any point in your life? You might have had real encounters or experiences with an animal in the wild, or a long-time animal companion or family pet with whom you shared a deep connection. This could also include your plushie friends from childhood, animals in drawings, paintings, sculptures, or on clothing that were special to you, perhaps a character from a favorite book, movie, or television show.
  • Do you feel more connected to the land, the sea, or the sky? What sort of natural environment seems to make you the happiest? When you think of an ideal vacation outdoors, where would you be going? The woods, the mountains, a lake or river, the ocean and the beach, the desert, the swamp… Where do you feel the most comfortable, relaxed, or joyful when you are outdoors?
  • Do you like heights? Do you like to swim? Do you like to hike, run, jump, or crawl? Do you move slowly and deliberately, or are you an untamed ball of energy that leaves a motion blur behind you? When you leave home, do you like to travel great distances or are you more comfortable remaining fairly close? Do you love to explore unknown places or prefer to stick to familiar territory?
Forest at Autumn with Water

Forest at Autumn with Water – A Photograph by Marianne Gagnon

  • Which season is your favorite? What sort of weather? Do you like the warmth of the Summer sunshine, the cool breezes of Spring, the bright colors of Autumn, the cold, quiet of the soft snow? Do you enjoy rainy and gray skies? Do you like frost and ice, or does cold weather make you want to hide at home next to the fire? Do thunderstorms make you excited or nervous? Does the thought of getting wet make you uneasy? What is your favorite time of day, and when do you feel the most active and energetic? Do you naturally rise and retire with the sun, or do you just begin to switch on after sunset? Do you sleep more than most, or are you proud to need less sleep than the rest?
  • Do you find that you have many friends, or just a few, very good ones? Do you prefer to live alone, with your family, with friends who share your age or common interests, or in a larger but cooperative group? Do you prefer to live far from others, in a small town, a suburb, or the most urban of areas in a great city?
  • Are you naturally and routinely social, or do interact with others only when you really need or want to? Do you prefer to take on the role of a leader in your social groups, or would you rather generate the ideas, organize everything and others, support and work toward the ideas and plans of others, or just show up and enjoy yourself? Do you tend to speak softly and quietly, or are you boisterous and assertive. Are you the sort to mate for life, or would you rather change partners when you feel the need to move on?
  • How do you deal with confrontation and conflict? Do you puff up and fight back, keep your cool and play smart, go silent and hope it goes away, or run away altogether? In a time of real trouble, where is your safe place? Would you take refuge in the earth, on a mountain, in a cave, up in a tree? Would you just prefer to burrow under your covers? Do you love silently sneaking up on others and surprising them, or are you so loud that they can hear you coming before they see you?
  • How do you handle the resources that maintain you in your life? Do you save everything you earn and spend nothing on yourself? Do you save nothing and blow it all on yourself? Do you give what you have freely to others or are you more protective of what you have? Do you plan ahead or take each day as it comes? How do you respond to difficult times? Do you rely on support and assistance from others, depend on your own determination and strength to find a way, or leave everything behind to start over from scratch?
  • Are you loyal, clever, affectionate, cunning, resourceful, nurturing, mischievous, playful, courageous, inquisitive, wise, reliable, gentle, aggressive, fearful, shy, boastful, steady, dependable, fierce, or aloof? Take the time to write at least 25 adjectives like these that describe you from your own perspective, and at least another 25 that convey how others are likely to perceive you.
Arctic Fox on Rocks

Arctic Fox on Rocks – A Photograph by John Sarvis of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

When you have all of your answers, reflections, and ideas collected, take a few days or a few weeks to consider them. Read over everything several times, making a note of any animals or creatures that you think might share this in common with you and why you feel that to be so. If the same animals or set of animals or creatures seem to keep occurring in your thought process, that is a perfect place to start further exploration. If at the end of this process, you have a single animal, then run with it. If you have more than one, consider a hybrid, or working with multiple Fursonas. Above all, follow your intuition and what feels most right to you. Once you have identified the basis for your Fursona, it is time to study everything you can about them. If you have an animal or several animals, study their varieties, their habitat, their food, their individual and social behavior, and the nature of their life cycle. Go see them in live and in person if you can, in the wild if possible, or in a zoo if needed. If you have one or more mythical creatures, study them in story and legend. Where did they come from, and how do they interact with their own kind, and with humans? What they mean to the culture that first drew them or wrote about them?

Though this might seem like a great deal of effort, you are only beginning a long and rewarding process of building a meaningful relationship with your Fursona. You will come to discover the ways in which the animal and the human within you work in harmony to make you who you really are. You will also discover how you uniquely express that union of human and animal in a way that no other Furry could.

“We only become what we are by the radical and deep-seated refusal of that which others have made of us.” – Jean-Paul Sartre

Feb 072014

Continued from Coming Out of the Furry Closet: Part 1 – Furry Inside

I consider myself a Furry “lifestyler”. Being a Fur is just part of who I am, and I think it is fair to say that my primary Fursona more authentically expresses my essential nature than many of the masks I wear in my ordinary life. I had some awareness of Phelan in early childhood, and I am old enough for that to be long before the emergence of “Furry” as we know it today. Fully grown, married, and working my way through college, I discovered the term and the community around the Spring of 1995, when I stumbled almost accidentally across alt.fan.furry. It was a short pounce from there to FurryMUCK at the time, and I was thrilled to find others who not only shared some of my deepest personal experiences, but were actively exploring their Furriness through role-play. After years of doubt, I discovered that I was not alone. I have always been an introvert, but very capable when it comes to social interaction. Nonetheless, I just wasn’t in an emotional place where I was willing to make space for being a Fur. So even within the Furry community, I was a silent lurker. I suppose I lived vicariously through the freedom of expression and exploration that others enjoyed, always connected to the community, but observing quietly from the sidelines.

Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf

Rödluvan och Vargen i Skogen (Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf in the Forest) by Carl Larsson

I am a testament to the fact that one can go through life being Furry perhaps indefinitely without really discussing or sharing it with anyone. I tried to discuss it once with a trusted friend as a teenager and was misunderstood, teased, and then ridiculed in front of others. My trust was betrayed. Growing up, I was accustomed to being harassed and tormented, but that was usually for things that others only believed, their own fears and insecurities falsely projected upon me. In this case, those I had really trusted and admired were aggressively rejecting something that was actually a part of me.

The only recourse I found was to bury it internally and shut that inner room off to everyone in my life. These reservations and a sense of embarrassment later prevented me from sharing it with my partner in life, my best friend, and mate. I remember vividly a moment in May of 2003 when I was on the verge, preparing to share it with her with the exact words on the tip of my tongue, but fear ultimately got the better of me. It was almost another decade before I found the courage that failed me then. Reflecting upon all those years of fear, hiding, deception, and denial, I now seek to understand what was really happening within me. What was the source of my insurmountable fear and inertia? I have found that most of it comes back to expectations.

Primarily, I imposed expectations upon myself. I was “supposed to be normal”, mature, responsible, upstanding, rational, intelligent, … the list goes on and on. Through this lens, being Furry seemed like an aberration, a flaw, a problem to be corrected, an indulgence I needed to abandon. This put me in a position of not just trying to fight against something that was an integral part of who I am, but feeling intensely guilty about it at the same time. The resulting suppression and repression caused many problems over the years that I was simply ignoring, like emotional distance, lack of affection, anger, frustration, and resentment. I overcame these barriers when authenticity became more important than preserving the illusion. Extensive spiritual practice, meditation, deep introspection all helped in this. In time, I realized that I was authentically mature, upstanding, rational, intelligent, accomplished, AND FURRY! “Normal” is a label for an expectation that does not accurately describe anyone. Coming out of the Furry closet begins with being comfortable in one’s own fur. We have to acknowledge who we really are and be at peace with that inside before we can hope to share that with anyone else in a genuine and sincere way.

Light on the Door at the End of a Tunnel

Light on the Door at the End of a Tunnel – A Photograph by Dusan Bicanski

Built upon the foundation of our expectations for ourselves (both authentic and spurious, constructive and destructive) are layers upon layers of expectations that have been assembled for us by others. In many ways these expectations establish the framework for our relationships, friendships, and social roles. We falsely imagine that others are exactly what we perceive them to be, and we conversely and unconvincingly struggle to become what we suppose others expect us to be. I am not sure that any of this really happens on purpose. Sometimes, we change, but we pretend to be something we are not to preserve a friendship or to keep a relationship unchanged, because that is the comfortable thing to do. At other times, we may realize that we have just been pretending all along, but we keep up appearances so as to avoid conflict, disappointment, or sadness. The more serious the relationship, the more struggle and tension is involved in maintaining the illusion and suspending our need for openness and sincerity. Whether consciously or unconsciously, we may be preserving these expectations at the expense of our own fulfillment and happiness. This can be especially and painfully true when being a Fur intersects with our sense of sexual identity. And, frankly, if being Furry is connected with our sense of Self, and we are sexual beings, that intersection is only natural.

Once I had come to terms with being a Furry and found a comfortable space within myself to explore that, there was a deep need to share that with the most important person in my life, my mate. It felt like I owed that to her after all of the years of denial. In spite of that, the fear was still there. It would bring unpredictable change to the most important relationship in my life. I could clearly envision all of the things that could go horribly wrong, and yet it was almost impossible to imagine anything positive that could come of it. I could dream of loving acceptance and support, even encouragement. But that was so far from my thoughts to that point, I just had no concept of what that might be like. After substantial reflection, I think what most overcame my fear was an inescapable need for truthfulness with my partner, who had been so supportive and faithful to me for the better part of two decades. I resolved to be honest and open, and to ask for nothing in return other than patience, which she had never ceased to provide when I most needed it. I would not expect her to excuse my Furry past and prior deception, to accept any Furry interests and activities in the future, or to understand this in any way. I just desperately needed her to KNOW, regardless of the consequences.

As it happens, my mate could not have been more caring and nurturing. Patience quickly became curiosity, then acceptance, understanding, and encouragement. Upheld by the emotional power and her compassion during this time of confession and explanation, I realized that my fear and doubt had only denied us a closer, more loving, and more sincere relationship. We cannot repress one aspect of nature without unintentional consequences. Hiding my identity as a Fur was suppressing the affection I so desperately needed to express and show toward my mate.

Sunrise in Africa

Sunrise in Africa – A Photograph by Jon Sullivan

If you are a Furry, as I am, I cannot guarantee a positive or nurturing outcome for you if decide to “come out” to your closest loved one. The best I can do is to encourage you to look deeply within yourself to understand what motivations and intentions lie behind your secrecy. Strengthened with that knowledge, you can then make a better decision to maintain that secrecy or to seek something more externally authentic. I can also offer you some explanation of the rewards of having a mate who allows you the space to express yourself as Fur, but I cannot promise that you will be offered that space. Having been through this fire of transformation and turning to look back on myself as I was, I can only say that I believe we are much better off cultivating close relationships in which we can fully express who we really are, without fear or insecurity.

In spite of that, coming out of the Furry closet is not an all or nothing prospect. Once we have decide to be open with our closest loved one, it is natural to consider our relationships with close family, friends, and perhaps others still. However, opening one gate does not require dispensing with the castle. Only we can decide where we draw the line that permits others into our Furry life, and the questions and challenges in this regard can be complex and nuanced. We need to be open to the possibility that the line may move over time. When it does, it is important that we act with love and compassion, from a place of self-knowledge, self-awareness, and a foundation of intention and purpose.

Wishing you authenticity and joy…